Animals & Veganism

What if certain animals were vegan?

I was curious about if certain animals can be vegan. So I pulled some open data sources to see what I could find to come up with this visual.

I have to add an additional layer to visualize on a dual axis. What I would like to do is to see if there were the same amount of subjects if it would increase the results for certain food types for this animal.

This particular animal received the most results in regards to weight gain by consuming sunflower seeds. Where as Casein ranks number 2 and soybeans at number 3. Believe it or not actual meatmeals ranked at number 4.

Keep in mind as mentioned there aren't an even amount of subjects tested, which is why I mentioned I wanted to create calculations to see if the number of subjects were even if that would change the ranking of which food type would cause the most weight gain.

I am finding out what else I can find. If you are a vegan food company for animals, I would be happy to do an analysis to validate your deck. Or better yet my own deck lol.

Believe it or not I already have invention ideas that are based on historical data for vegan products.

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